Bahar Baytekin is an embroidery maker from Ankara in Turkey. She creates colourful and intricate stitches on clothing, accessories and photos.
How did you get into embroidery?
I started in 2014 and learned myself watching YouTube videos.
Do you have a background in design?
I studied philosophy at university but have always been interested in design, ceramics and watercolours.
What are some of your favourite stitches?
My favourite stitches are the French knot and bullion rose.
Where do you get your materials and threads from?
Local craft stores and the Internet. I also love looking in large fabric shops for hours.
How do you start a new piece of work, what’s your design process?
I get inspired by nature first then I decide on the colours and fabric type, then I improvise.
Are you overwhelmed with designs and ideas or does it take time to find new embroideries to stitch?
I always have new ideas inside my head but I can’t make them all because I have so many orders to complete.
Do you embroider for fun or is it a full time job? If not what’s your day job?
I am doing it for both fun and as a full tıme job. Embroidery started as a hobby. Then I started doing it as a full time job.
How do you find using Instagram? Do you ever worry your work will be copied?
I like using Instagram. I love taking photos for my feed and my stories. It’s good I think to share your ideas and artwork with the world. My work has already been copied but my new ideas always come up.
Do you ever feel nervous or anxious your followers won’t like your work?
No I don’t ever feel anxious. I am doing the thing I like and my followers sometimes don’t like my artwork. But it’s ok.
Do you ever feel pressured to post images that you know will get lots of likes instead of simply posting what you like?
Sometimes, but I always posted what I like.
What do you love about embroidery?
Embroidery is sincere, lovely and I like being at home doing it.
Follow Bahar on Instagram.